Brian Holton talks to Irish Pages Managing Editor Jacob Agee about his latest work of translation for The Irish Pages Press, ‘Aa Cled Wi Clouds She Cam’.
Brian Holton talks to Irish Pages Managing Editor Jacob Agee about his latest work of translation for The Irish Pages Press, ‘Aa Cled Wi Clouds She Cam’.
Irish Pages Editor Chris Agee talks to poet Ciarán O’Rourke about his latest collection, ‘Phantom Gang’, which was longlisted for the 2023 Swansea University Dylan Thomas prize.
Gerard McCarthy: Mitlini Harbour. Acts of Submission.
Patricia Craig talks to Irish Pages Editor Chris Agee about her new collection of writing ‘Kilclief and Other Essays’.
Chris Agee, Editor of Irish Pages, talks to poet Ciarán O’Rourke about his book, ‘Trump Rant’, a portrait of the former US President.
Kathleen Jamie (Scottish Editor) and Chris Agee (General Editor) discuss with three writers their contributions to the current issue of Irish Pages, The Anthropocene (Volume 11, Number 1).
Meg Bateman: In Praise of Ben Dorain. ‘Ben Dorain: a conversation with a mountain’ is the first full-length work published by Scottish poet Garry MacKenzie.
Kathleen Jamie: Have human beings ever known such a moment? ‘Ben Dorain: a conversation with a mountain’ is the first full-length work published by Scottish poet Garry MacKenzie.
Chris Agee: Weather Report: Good Friday Week, 1998. Four years on, the author recalled an historic Irish agreement at Stormont.
Helen Vendler: Second Thoughts & Coda. Tell the truth. Do not be afraid.