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Friends of Irish Pages


Support Our Work

Friends of Irish Pages is a generous group of readers, writers, business organizations and foundations whose financial contributions help advance the work of Irish Pages: A Journal of Contemporary Writing and The Irish Pages press/Cló An Mhíl Bhuí. The journal gratefully acknowledges this financial assistance on one dedicated page of every issue.

In this difficult economic climate, not only the book trade, but the culture of classic print itself, is under pressure as never before. The continuing support of the Friends of Irish Pages is essential to the vitality and independence of Ireland’s premier literary journal.

With the largest print run of any Irish literary periodical, Irish Pages represents – uniquely for the island – the intersection of a large general readership with outstanding writing from Ireland and overseas. Each issue assembles a carefully edited mix of English and Irish, prose and poetry, fiction and non-fiction, style and subject matter, in an overall fit aimed at a wide range of reading tastes. For the Irish resident, no less than the Irish expatriate or the overseas reader, Irish Pages offers an unrivalled biannual window on the literary and cultural life of these islands – and further afield.

Recently, The Irish Pages Press received the highly prestigious “British Book Awards Small Press of the Year 2022 (Island of Ireland).” As the Editors remarked, “While aware of the irony that an all-island Irish press based in Belfast has won under the rubric of ‘British’, we strongly welcome this acknowledgment of our 2021-2022 book-publishing programme, which joins the publication of our long-standing journal Irish Pages: A Journal of Contemporary Writing.” This is the first time, in fact, that a press based in Northern Ireland has first been shortlisted and then won any of the three relevant British Book Awards for publishers, administered by The Bookseller magazine in London: “Small Press of the Year”, “Independent Press of the Year”, and “Publisher of the Year.”

With your support, we can continue doing what we do best: publishing outstanding writing from Ireland and overseas.

You can donate to Irish Pages in several ways.

Become the single Patron of a single Irish Pages issue with a contribution of £1,000 or above

Become a Friend of Irish Pages with a contribution of £250/€300/$400 or more.

Become a Supporter of Irish Pages with a contribution of my own choice.

To donate online for either option, please click the button below.

In Sappho: Songs and Poems (The Irish Pages Press, 2022), Sappho says, through the voice of translator Chris Preddle:

Come on, dear friends
it’s nearly day.

We hope that you, dear friends, will join us for many more days of publishing outstanding writing.

P.S. For every contribution of £100 or over, we will send you a complimentary book of your choice from The Irish Pages Press/Cló An Mhíl Bhuí.