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Vol. 7 No. 2: Memory

  • Barry Lopez on the trauma of sexual abuse
  • Chris Agee & Kerry Hardie on aftermaths
  • An unpublished essay by Hubert Butler
  • Tom Mac Intyre’s “Memoirs”
  • Michael LongleyPatricia Craig & Glenn Patterson remember the Titanic
  • Major essays by Wendell Berry Thomas Kilroy
  • New Writing in Irish & Scots
  • Joseph Horgan celebrates “the fifth element”
  • PLUS: “Time in the East”, a remarkable photographic portfolio by Elizabeth Switaj

£ 14.00


From the Back Cover

“The emotional instability around anger, betrayal and pain bring us close to chaos. But a return to ‘normality’ would mean an odd kind of loss. Somewhere there is an awareness in us that we are living on a different plane, and somewhere we also crave the purity and intensity of this plane—as those whose lungs are used to high clean air crave relief from the smog and fumes of a city. On this other level it is possible to be alone with your dead and to feel their presence. This is hard to let go of, though it must be accomplished. It is the only thing that will bring about the release of the dead. To dwell there too long is not our purpose in life. Somehow we must find the grace to accept the living.”

from “Aftermath” by Kerry Hardie



Weight 562 g
Dimensions 235 × 155 × 20 mm