Meet the Authors

Nebojša Lujanović

Nebojša Lujanović was born in 1981 in Novi Travnik (Bosnia and Herzegovina). He is a writer, scholar, and assistant professor at the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek. He studied political science, sociology, and comparative literature at the University of Zagreb, where he received his doctorate in 2012 in the field of literary theory. His novels include Stakleno oko (Glass Eye, 2007), Godina svinje (Year of the Pig, 2010), Orgulje iz Waldsassena (The Organ of Waldsassen, 2011), Oblak boje kože (Cloud the Color of Skin, 2015), Južina (Sirocco, 2019), Maratonac (The Marathoner, 2020) and Tvornica Hrvata (The Croatian Factory, 2023), which was chosen by VBZ publishing house as best unpublished manuscript. He is the author of the short story collection S pogrebnom povorkom nizbrdo (With the Funeral Procession Down the Hill, 2008), a creative writing manual called Autopsija teksta (Autopsy of the Text, 2016), and a scholarly book on Croatian literature called A Space of Dissent: From Ideology and Identity, to the Literary Field (2018). In addition to his novels, short stories, essays, reviews, and children’s book, he is the author of more than thirty academic papers, published locally and internationally. Aside from his work as a writer, scholar, and teacher, Lujanović is an avid runner. As a member of the Marathon Club Marjan, he has completed some fifteen marathons in as many years across Europe. He lives in Split, with his wife and children Lovre and Loti.


Author's books